Tower of Babel

Read the story in Genesis 11:1-9

What Does It Mean in my Life?

The desire to attain heavenly rewards only from and for oneself is pictured in the Word by the Tower of Babel. This tower reached into heaven, but because it did not focus on the Lord, but only on self-glory and merit, the end result was confusion and failure. So, too, if we try to enter into the good of life strictly from our own abilities, and do not recognize our dependency upon the Lord, then we are entering the sheepfold by some other way, and eventually we will be cast out. But if we do realize that our efforts to obey truths and be stirred in heavenly loves is fully dependent upon the Lord's guidance, then the Lord is properly at the top of the ladder, and we can receive a vision of eternal life.

Daily Inspiration

"Love for our neighbor wants to serve everyone, and love for ourselves wants everyone to be our servants."

Divine Providence 276