Prayer: more than words

The concept of prayer is a pretty confusing one. Is prayer a set of words we are to recite? If we ask for something in a prayer, do we ever really receive it? How can we pray to the intangible Being that God is?

This issue on “Prayer: More Than Words” explores what’s behind the words we use, or rituals we follow. Prayer is a form of acknowledging and asking for help with our shortcomings, expressing the helplessness we may feel in some situations, or give thanks to the Divine for the gifts we’ve been given. But most importantly, there is no right or wrong way to pray; the variety of ways to open ourselves up to the God are endless!

“They should always pray and not give up” (Luke 18:1).

michelle-chapinMichelle Chapin
Associate Editor

Daily Inspiration

"Love for our neighbor wants to serve everyone, and love for ourselves wants everyone to be our servants."

Divine Providence 276