Theta Alpha Journal archive

2023 Issues

  • Theta Alpha Journal April 2023 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Stretch, Release, Breathe: How My Work Works on Me by Chara Daum (Theta Alpha Luncheon Talk October 2022)
    • Dnepropetrovsk and Crimean Swedenborg Societies by Svetlana Manaenkova
    • Learning to Paint by Bea Pitcairn

2022 Issues

  • Theta Alpha Journal October 2022 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • She Loved the Truth (Tryn Clark eulogy), numerous authors
    • Swedenborg’s Prism and Goethe’s Theory of Color, Angela Rose
    • Divine Providence in Retrospect, Peg Parker Mergen
    • Hurstville New Church Centenary Celebrations, Jenn Beiswenger
  • Theta Alpha Journal April 2022 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Editorial, Helen Kennedy
    • The Lord’s Eternal Purpose, Nadine Rogers
    • The Least of These, Coleman Glenn
    • Brain Dead?, Jim deMaine
    • The Plan That Didn’t Work, Jim deMaine
    • End-of-Life Doula, Amy Jones
    • Lord In My Eyes, Janet Krettek
    • Eye See, Byron Wayne Lemky
    • Welcome to New Church Groups, Nathan Gladish
    • We Invite You to Join a New Church Women’s Group!, Charlotte Gyllenhaal, Nina Dewees,
    • Charis Dike, and Lori Odhner
    • Deborah’s Tree, Roslyn Taylor
    • Collection of Poems, Charlotte Austin Klein
    • Francis, Helen Kennedy
    • Minutes from Charter Day Luncheon, Janet Krettek

2021 Issues

  • Theta Alpha Journal November 2021 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Thomas Aquinas and Emmanuel Swedenborg: A Comparison of Exegetical Approaches, Jennica Nobre
    • Helping People, Gretchen Keith
    • Silver Linings in Covid-19, various authors
    • Covid-19 Silver Linings in Education, Brita Synnestvedt Conroy
  • Theta Alpha Journal April 2021 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Temptation, by Coleman Glenn
    • and more!

2020 Issues

  • Theta Alpha Journal November 2020 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Spiritual Slavery, by Helen Kennedy
    • Surviving Coronavirus Lockdown, by various authors
    • My Journey From Korea to Cairnwood Village, by Bobby Johns
    • and more!
  • Theta Alpha Journal June 2020 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Specializing in teaching children with dyslexia
    • "Twin Brothers" a poem by Sylvia Montgomery Shaw
    • Desk Sitting at the Cathedral, by Phyllis Pitcairn
    • Tours of the Bryn Athyn Cathedral, by Gillian Simons Mayer
    • and more!

2019 Issues

  • Theta Alpha Journal October 2019 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Shaking but Still Standing, by Freya Mildred King
    • Adoption, by Taney Frazier Friend
    • The Empty Backpack, by Jenn Wagner
    • Role of the Arts in Preparing New Church Teachers, Part II, by Angela Rose
    • and more!
  • Theta Alpha Journal April 2019 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • What Does it Mean to Love or Acknowledge the Lord?, by Julia Robinson
    • Role of the Arts in Preparing New Church Teachers, by Angela Rose
    • Springtime (poem), by Margit Irwin
    • The Life of the Party, by Madison Zagorski
    • Book Review: My Own Four Walls, by Don Rose, review by Kristin King
    • and more!

2018 Issues

  • Theta Alpha Journal November 2018 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Elijah, by Nadine Rogers
    • Responses to DeCharms Philosophy, by Greg Henderson and Gail Simons
    • Meditations on Heavenly Communities, by Helen Kennedy
    • Love Wants to be Sent Out Again, by Sarah Walker Ralls
    • And more!
  • Theta Alpha Journal April 2018 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Excerpt from “The Philosophy of New Church Education” by George de Charmes, excerpted by Angela Rose
    • The Word is Alive! Excerpt from “Doctrine” from Fall 1983 by Shareen Blair
    • Logopraxis Responses
    • Biography of an Artist by Peggy Merrell
    • And more!

2017 Issues

  • Theta Alpha Journal Autumn 2017 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Whole Learning, Deep Understanding, by Linda Simonetti Odhner
    • How My Grandfather Read a Book, by Laurel Odhner Powell
    • Excerpts from Fiction of New Church Writers, Various Authors
    • The Shoes, by Caira Bongers
    • And more!
  • Theta Alpha Journal Spring 2017 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Responses to “Parents and New Church Education,” by Various responses
    • Then and Now, by Ruth Parker Goodenough
    • Take Me, Entrance, Dream, I Grow (poems), by Irene Odhner
    • Kainon School Westville, South Africa, by Jane Lumsden Edmunds
    • And more!

2016 Issues

  • Theta Alpha Journal 2016 Autumn (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • I Know You’re There but I Can’t Feel You, by Kris Earle
    • The Minister’s Wife, by Mary Margaret Zattey-Agboga
    • Interviews (people who make clothing), by Various Authors
    • Life in Nepal, by Nadine Rogers
    • And more!
  • Theta Alpha Journal 2016 May (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • Earthquake Hymns, by Nadine Rogers
    • Gardening, by Various Authors
    • General Church Religious Lessons and the General Church, by Sarah Bruell Odhner
    • The War and Us: A Review of My Grandma’s Memories, by Hilda Rogers
    • And more!

2015 Issues

  • Theta Alpha Journal 2015 November (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • We Are Mary, by Solomon Keal
    • The Compost Heap, by Anna Woofenden
    • Artists, by Various Authors
    • Spiritual Reminisences, by Paula Roschman Niall
    • And more!
  • Theta Alpha Journal 2015 May (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • When Does It Go Wrong? (poem), by BMK
    • The Awkward Ideal of Freedom, by Linda Simonetti Odhner
    • Quilting, by Various Authors
    • Empress Elizabeth, by Helen Kennedy
    • And more!

2013 Issues

  • Theta Alpha Journal-2013-04 (PDF)
    Inside this issue:

    • A Letter From TAI Executive Committee
    • Charter Day Banquet Address 2012, by B. Erik Odhner
    • Two Genders, Two Worlds, by Susan Olson Odhner; Gil Reuter Cooper
    • Young People Aren’t Interested in God, by Bronwen Mayer Henry
    • Sin Bravely, by Kimberly Blair Hanna
    • Midwife To The Story, by Amanda Rogers-Petro
    • New Church Music Scholarship Fund, by Chara Cooper Daum
    • Wind (Poem), by Barbara Leonard Posey
    • Forest Gardens, by Lincoln Smith
    • Letters To the Editor, by Wendy Soneson; Peggy Mergen; Nancy Allen Alford
    • The Awkward Notion of Self Esteem, by Linda Simonetti Odhner
    • Spiritual Science, by Karin Alfelt Childs
    • Book Review, by Penny Rhodes
    • “Is Anybody There? Does Anybody Care?”, by Melodie Greer

Daily Inspiration

"Love for our neighbor wants to serve everyone, and love for ourselves wants everyone to be our servants."

Divine Providence 276